Welcome to the official University at Buffalo Volleyball Summer Camps’ Website. Join Head Coach Scott Smith, the UB Volleyball Coaching Staff and members of the UB Volleyball team as they host volleyball camps this summer in Alumni Arena.
Currently there are no upcoming events. Check back soon!
For any camp questions or additional information please contact:
Camp Director: Delaney Gallagher
Contact: 615-342-9429
Email: gallagh8@buffalo.edu
**drop off/ pick up locations.
NCAA rules prohibit representative of UB’s athletics interests (a booster) who is not naturally or legally responsible for a prospective student athlete (grades 9-12) from providing any expenses to attend a camp or clinic. Violations of this could result in loss of NCAA eligibility for the prospective student-athlete. If you have questions regarding this or any other NCAA rule, please contact the UB Office of Compliance at (716) 645-3146 or ath-compliance@buffalo.edu
Online registration is safe and secure using Ryzer.